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Antibiotika und Therapeutika Quantifizierung

Antibiotics LC-MS/MS Quantitation - DZIF Online Course

In this course we will provide insights how quantitative analyses of small molecules for drug development and clinical applications are planned and performed. For this we will explain basics of liquid chromatography mass spectrometric (LC-MS) workflows and sample preparation. We will discuss application examples from quality controls and method optimization in early steps of drug development, preclinical stages and Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) studies as well clinical application.

Program (October, 10th 2024):

10:00 am - Basics of liquid chromaography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for quantitation of therapeutics (Nadine Aboutara)
10:45 am - Application examples in preclinical research - Quantitation strategies (Franziska Marwitz)
11:30 am - Questions and Discussion (Moderator Dominik Schwudke)
12:00 am - Lunch break
01:00 pm - How to choose your bioanalytical method for PK/PD studies? - basics and guiding case studies from in vitro to in vivo (Katharina Rox)
02:00 pm - Models for Small Moelcule driven Therapies (Lea Ann Dailey)
03:00 pm - Questions and Discussion (Moderator Dominik Schwudke)
03:30 pm - Pharmacokinetics in clinical trials - from first in human to PK/PD (Julia Dreisbach)
04:30 pm - Closing remarks

Connection details will be send via email to the registered participants in time before the course.

Lecturer: Katharina Rox (HZI Braunschweig), Lea Ann Dailey (Universität Wien), Julia Dreisbach (LMU Clinic Munnich)
Nadine Aboutara,  Franziska Marwitz, Dominik Schwudke (Research Center Borstel)

Contact us via antibiotics(at) for any inquiry.